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Police reform is one of the most important reform processes in the Republic of Serbia.
It is reflected in the transformation of police into a modern, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable police service in line with the European Union standards and models.
The importance of this process is stressed by the fact that it is listed in the strategic documents of our Ministry (Ministry of the Interior Development Strategy 2011-2016) as well as in the national strategic priorities and other national documents, namely: The National Strategy of the EU Accession Process of the Republic of Serbia and Strategy of the Public Administration Reform.
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- Reforma ljudskih resursa
- Projekti
- Ciljevi
- Benefiti
- Realizovane aktivnosti
- Najčešća pitanja i odgovori
- Reforma Direkcije policije
- Reforma sistema plata
- Reforma Sektora unutrašnje kontrole
- Podrška strateškom razvoju IT sistema u MUP-u
- Elektronska uprava
- Mobilne tehnologije
- Evrointegracije
- Strateški razvoj
Brzi Linkovi
Brzi Linkovi
- Vlada Republike Srbije
- Dokumenti građana
- Pritužbe na rad policije
- Prijava imovnog stanja
- Prijava korupcije u MUP-u
- Informator o radu Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije
- Aplikacija ČELIK - čitač elektronske lične karte
- Stanje na graničnim prelazima
- Rodna ravnopravnost
- Poglavlja 23 i 24
- eUsluge MUP-a
- CERT RFC 2350
- Lokacije kamera MUP-a u Beogradu